Posts Tagged ‘life hacks’

Life Hacks

September 29, 2010

According to the new standard for information, Wikipedia (in which the articles may or may not be written by a 13 year old who is buzzed off of Mountain Dew and Skittles), the definition for a life hack is anything that solves an everyday problem in a clever or non-obvious way. At TrippNT we are all about finding new and interesting ways for increasing efficiency and organization.  So in this spirit here are a few clever and fun ways at hacking your life:

Closet Control:

Running out of room in your closet?  Hang your clothes in your closet backwards (with the top of the hanger facing the opposite direction of what you would normally hang it).  When you go to remove the clothes from the hanger turn the hanger around to face the direction opposite of the other hangers.  By the end of the season you will be able to see which articles of clothing that you didn’t wear (the ones on the hangers facing the original direction).  Remove those clothes from the closet and donate them, because hey, homeless people like to be fashionable too.

Lock Block:

Car locks frozen?  Use alcohol.

Especially if you're driving a Delorean.

Not the alcohol that you are thinking of.  Squirt a little instant hand sanitizer in your locks.  The high alcohol content of the hand sanitizer will help to unfreeze them.

Where is Thumbkin:

If you have thumbdrive (sometimes called a jumpdrive)  place a file on it labeled  identification.txt that contains your contact information in it.  This way if you lose your thumbdrive the hopefully honest person who finds it will be able to return it to you.

Going up:

Sometimes you just need to get to your floor in a hurry and you don’t have the time to wait on the other annoying people who got on the elevator before you.  With this quick hack you can tell the elevator to skip the the other selected floors and go immediately to the floor that you want to go to.  Simply press the door close button at the same time that you press the button of your desired floor and voila!  The elevator skips the other selected floors and takes you directly to your destination.  Hopefully it’s not too long of a ride though because you are certain to have an elevator full of people who are unhappy with you.


Give Yourself a Hand:

Situations arise where it is helpful to have an idea of how long something is.  But often we don’t have a tape measure of ruler readily available to take a measurement with.  In these situations it would be nice to have an instrument for measuring that is always with you, say like your hands.  Use a ruler to measure the overall length of your hand (from your fingertip to the bottom of your palm).  You will then be able to use your hand as a rudimentary ruler.  For smaller measurements a good rule of thumb (yes, the pun was intentional) is that the distance between the joints of your index finger are about an inch in length.  You can use the creases on the bottom of your finger like the lines on a ruler.

Can be used to measure your friend's face!

Neil Hessenflow is the Director of Communications for TrippNT